Treatment Plant
We are an extended aeration plant (VLR) which consists of an inline grinder, a raw pumping station, a fine screen and aerated grit removal. The biological treatment consists of (two) Vertical Loop Reactors ran in series followed by secondary clarifiers (two 50' circular clarifiers). We disinfect by using a Trojan-3000 Plus Ultra Violet light system. Our design flow is 1.5mgd with a peak of 3.0mgd.
Edinburgh Waste Water Plant |
Since we went online with our VLR's our average CBOD is less than 1mg/l and our S.S. is usually around 2-4mg/l and ammonia
less than .1mg/l. We are achieving 99% removal on CBOD 98% removal on S.S. and 99% removal on ammonia. As of February 2021 we are meeting our new phosphorous limits of 1 ppm.
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