Water Quality
The Edinburgh Water Utilities abides by the water quality regulations outlined in the Indiana Department of Environmental Management, Environmental Protection Agency's Safe Drinking Water Standards. All public water systems are required to conduct water quality of some form or another. The types of testing and frequency will depend on the size, location, susceptibility to contamination and other factors. There are two general categories of test that are scheduled:
- Bacteriological ( organic )
- Chemical ( inorganic )
Bacteriological tests are conducted weekly at various locations of the distribution system. The Edinburgh Water Utilities maintains a coliform-testing plan that identifies frequency and location of sample sites. Chemical testing varies tremendously. The types of tests conducted include:
- Synthetic Organic Compounds ( SOC'S )
Generally testing for the presence of pesticides
- Volatile Organic Compounds ( VOC'S )
Testing for petroleum based products
- Total Triholomethanes ( TTHM'S )
Testing for by-products of chlorine
- Radionnuclides:
Testing for the presence of radioactive substances
- Nitrates:
Testing for by-products of septic systems, dairy farms, poultry farms etc.
- Lead and Copper:
Tests showing high level of these metals may indicate highly corrosive water which deteriorates pipes
- Inorganic Compounds:
Testing for the presence of metals, salts and sulfates
The Edinburgh Water Utilities takes the sample and sends them to a state-approved laboratory.